Current Turnaround:
2-5 weeks.
micaskole |at| gmail |dot| com
Mission Statement:
Keep moving forward. As an editor, my #1 goal is to make your book the best it can be… and my #2 goal is to help you grow as an author. Taking a book from rough draft to final version is a transformative process not only for the story itself, but for the person who created it. It is a journey of tough love, and my editing style recognizes that. While I do aim to address the grammar, structure, and story of your book, I also look deeper, to gauge what you as an author could most benefit from learning. In short, I dole out the constructive criticism your mom’s afraid to give you.
Therefore, keep in mind that my criticism – though always meant to be constructive – is also, on occasion, very frank (it’s in the name!). I love to tell you what I like as well as what I don’t like, but my feedback is generally straightforward and blunt, and it is not for everyone. But if you work with me, you will come out the other end a new and better author; and not only this book, but all your future books, will benefit from that.
Services are prepaid. All payments and deposits are FULLY REFUNDABLE up until the paid work is completed–no questions asked.
Query Critiques: $5 per pass. Turnaround is one week.
Synopsis Critiques: $15 per pass. Turnaround is one week.
Developmental Analysis: This service is $0.006 per word (about $6 per 1000 words). You will receive a Developmental Analysis on the work, but no direct comments or changes to the work itself. A Developmental Analysis covers any noticeable issues with the work, from plot structure to character development to “show versus tell,” all the way down to any obvious grammar problems. I leave no stone unturned, and my overviews often come back with over 30 pages of feedback, which includes both explanations of the issues found, and options for fixing them. This service includes a paragraph or less of overall comments on each chapter. An hour’s time of consultation–whether over various emails or a single chat–is included with ALL developmental analyses. This service is recommended for less-polished drafts, for first-time authors, or for writers who have never had a significant critique partner before. If you aren’t sure where you stand, a developmental analysis is always a good choice. Turnaround is usually a month or less.
Deluxe Developmental Analysis (Recommended): This service is $0.008 per word (about $8 per 1000 words). You will receive a Developmental Analysis, plus the following additional services: tracked cuts, end-of-chapter comments, and inline developmental comments. This service does not include direct changes to the text (aside from some cuts), but will post a note for developmental problems that can include plot holes, reader responses, and general confusion, allowing for a more focused revision. This is recommended for: polished drafts that have seen beta feedback on the same level as the author; as a budget version of a line edit; or for books that are too long and need a focus on cutting word count. Turnaround is usually a month or less.
Line Edit: The cost is $0.012 per word (about $12 per 1000 words). This service includes direct line edits (in the form of tracked changes and comments). This means different things depending on the state of the manuscript and the writing style of the author, but it can include any of the following: direct rearrangement of text, suggested inputs for transitions and character actions, line-by-line notes and feedback, suggested changes for flow and other writing elements, developmental commentary, unrealistic dialogue, and so on. This service is not for the faint of heart. It is recommended for manuscripts intended for indie or self-publishing, or for the first few chapters of a manuscript considered ready for querying. Turnaround is usually 4-6 weeks. Please note that this service no longer includes a Developmental Analysis, though it will still include developmental commentary within the text. The reason is that developmental feedback might lead to sweeping structural changes, which can render entire chapters of line edits moot. However, you can add a Developmental Analysis for $55 if you prefer.
Short Story Editing: $0.012 per word (about $12 per 1000 words). Minimum $20. Includes line edits and developmental analysis. Turnaround is one week.
Copy Edit: This includes direct edits for grammar, spelling, and punctuation, in preparation for the manuscript being published. I make little to no commentary on the subject matter itself. The cost is typically $0.01 per word (about $10 per 1000 words), although I may charge more if the original work is in especially rough shape. You can send a sample to be certain. Turnaround is usually a month or less.
Self-Publication Formatting. I will format your book for Amazon print-on-demand and eBook upload to the usual platforms for $50 per book. This includes up to 3 minor revisions (which may increase turnaround time). Choose from various styles, with chapter and line break icon options available. Turnaround is usually one week.
Query Package: Ready to query? I’ll line edit the query, synopsis, and first 10,000 words (about 25 pages) for $125. This includes a Developmental Analysis of the first 10,000 words.
Developmental Package (With Analysis, Without Comments): $0.006 per word.
Developmental Package (With Analysis, With Comments): $0.008 per word. Always recommended.
Line Editing Package (Without Analysis, With Comments, With Tracked Changes): $0.012 per word.
Copyediting: $0.012 per word.
Trial Package: Looking to test-drive the different services before committing? My trial package is a 20,000-word submission, with the following: your first 5,000 words line edited, followed by the next 5,000 words as a Deluxe, and the remaining 10,000 words returned with the Developmental Analysis (Basic) only. (The Developmental Analysis will cover the entire submission.) Upon receipt, you can decide which service you might like to progress with, if at all. The full cost is $160 for this package.
Customized Package: All of my services are a la carte, and can be mixed and matched. If you’re looking for something more bespoke, just ask! There is no extra cost for customization.
Success Stories
These are listed in order of occurrence, give or take. See my testimonials here.
♥ Congratulations Kimberly Christensen! ♥
After a query package, her book got multiple full requests!
♥ Congratulations to @hemunayak711! ♥
After a 10,000-word line edit, his book got an agent!
♥ Congratulations to Alex Austin! ♥
After a 30,000-word line edit/review combo, his book got an agent!
♥ Congratulations to @Willie_Handler! ♥
After a full-MS line edit, his book got a contract with Kyanite Publishing!
♥ Congratulations to @KayAyDowling! ♥
After a first 50-page edit, her book got an agent!
♥ Congratulations to @janicefosse! ♥
After a full novel edit, her book got an agent!
♥ Congratulations to @DaveWickenden! ♥
After a full novel edit, his book HOMEGROWN got signed and published with Crave Press! Out now!
♥ Congratulations to @AmyKitcher! ♥
After a first chapter edit, her book got a full manuscript request from an agent!
♥ Congratulations to @christopheresl2! ♥
After a query pass, his book got a full manuscript request from an agent!
♥ Congratulations to Ryan Devoe! ♥
After a 4,000 word line edit, he revamped his book and made top 20 of 1200 at a the Angry Robots contest!
♥ Congratulations to @DMombauer! ♥
After a short story line edit, his story was published in an anthology!
♥ Congratulations to @hofsetzdotcom! ♥
After a full-MS line edit, his book got a contract with The Wild Rose Press!
♥ Congratulations to Stephen B. King | @StephenBKing1! ♥
After a full-MS line edit, he signed a TRILOGY deal with The Wild Rose Press… with competing offers!
After a first chapter revision, his book THIRTY-THREE DAYS signed with The Wild Rose Press! It’s now nominated for the 2019 RONE award!
♥ Congratulations to @KarenYBynum! ♥
After a query critique, she got accepted into Sun Vs. Snow 2018 and got 5 full requests and 2 partials!
…and you could be next!
- Professional Fantasy Ghostwriter
- Publications and accolades
- SFWA Member (Pending)
- Panelist at Chicon 2022 (World Science Fiction Convention, 5 Panels)
- Writers of the Future Winner (See my acceptance speech here.)
- Includes attendance at the exclusive workshop, where I learned directly from Orson Scott Card, Tim Powers, David Farland, and others.
- Includes publication in Volume 35, which was a bestseller in four Amazon categories.
- Best of Galaxy’s Edge Anthology (Forthcoming)
- Galaxy’s Edge Magazine, 4 Publications January 2021 | September 2021 | January 2022 | July 2022 |
- Second Place: Sapiens Plurum Short Fiction Contest 2018
- Second Place: True North Short Story Contest 2018
- Publication in the Resurrection Trust anthology by Retreat West Press
- Internship with Speilburg Literary Agency
- Query slush reader
- Blogger for the agency
- Manuscript reporting
- Bachelor’s degree (with honors) in the English Language from Michigan State University
- Concentration in Creative Writing
- Former Owner of the @writevent Twitter account (24k+ curated author/reader followers)
- Minor publications and accolades
- Winner: Reedsy Short Story Contest
- x2 First Place: Life of Writers Short Story Contest
- Shortlisted: Center Field of Gravity (2020)
- Second Place: Life of Writers Short Story Contest
- Honorable Mention: Speculative Literature Foundation’s 2017 Working Class Writer’s Grant
- Top 25: Ecostory Green Stories Contest 2018
- Shortlisted: James White Award 2019 (Longlisted in 2018)
- Invited to present at the Utah League of Writers Conference
- Seven full personal manuscript requests from agents
- Finalist in Pitch Madness 2017
- Procedural writing for Underground Printing
- Best Writing Website awards from:
- Reedsy
- The Write Life
- Booksie
I’m happy to critique queries, novels, and stories in most genres or age categories, but I have the most experience with speculative fiction (fantasy, science fiction, etc.) in the YA and Adult genres. I am also knowledgeable in erotica, and I am open to LGBT+, 420, and most other touchy subjects, as long as they are not an attack on someone else. I am not qualified to edit straight nonfiction (creative nonfiction, such as memoir, is fine), Westerns, screenplays, or picture books. This limitation includes queries.
My Process
Queries. I saw hundreds of queries during my agency internship, and I know what makes them stink. I can take your rough or uncertain query and pit it against publishing norms. I edit queries for clarity, interest, brevity, and construction.
Pages. I do it as it comes: plot, voice, spelling, grammar, setting, the works (with an especially careful focus on the first pages of a book). I hope to strike a balance: to give you enough to crank out a stellar revision, but not so much as to be overwhelming or ultimately useless. I’m determined to give you the most bang for your buck, which changes based on each submission.
Developmental. When you purchase a developmental service from me, it includes the ability to write me “after the edit” and bounce ideas off me. I become your CP. Whatever isn’t working, I’m there to conversationally consider ways to work out your issues. It comes with the territory, and is totally indefinite – although the longer you ask me questions, the longer responses might take. Just FYI. I’m not a god.
Synopses. I look for adherence to norms, word count, cutting opportunities, clarity, agency, and emotional arc. In general I want to help you formulate a clear, interesting, and character-driven summary of your work that fits within an acceptable word count. See this post by Susan Dennard for my favorite take on writing synopses.
Let’s Do This!
Please reach out at micaskole |-at-| gmail to discuss your project!